Inquiring about using the SOS Searching API

Hello, I'm a backend engineer in Korea. I sent the inquiry mail yesterday, Since this is an urgent issue, I'm leaving my question here as well, just in case. I was looking through the SOS Search API reference and had a few questions. In the example of [SOS Search: GET] 'Response By ID', it looks like 'results' is an array type and can contain multiple objects. Is it possible to get multiple results for one ID, i.e. one company name? [SOS Search: GET] I'm curious about all the values that can be returned in the 'status' property and what they mean. I want to know all the values that can be returned for the 'standing' property and what they mean, and what is the difference with the 'status' property? What does 'match_percentage' in the example of [SOS Search: GET] 'Response (list of data)' mean? If it means the degree of matching or similarity, does it mean that multiple search results can be returned? Does the SOS Search Response also include 'file number'? Finally, I would like to ask if there is a page other than '<'> where I can find more detailed API documentation. I look forward to your reply.

Is there a way to test webhooks?

Is there a way to test webhooks? Does the sandbox request force a webhook request? We're just getting started. The documentation suggests that the webhook is NOT called unless the 30-second TIN request fails to the IRS or the IRS system state is down/unavailable. We're trying to understand how we develop and test our integration.