Watchlist - UN Sanctions Search

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  • The "RID" refers to the unique record ID
  • the "ID" represents the unique entity or submission ID.
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        "results": [
                "id": 389,
                "response_data": {
                    "pob": "Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan",
                    "name": "1: AMIN 2: MUHAMMAD 3: UL HAQ 4: SAAM KHAN",
                    "type": "individual",
                    "title": "na",
                    "address": "na",
                    "aliases": "Al-Haq, Amin, Amin, Muhammad, Dr. Amin, Ul-Haq, Dr. Amin",
                    "listed_on": "25 Jan. 2001      (                                          amended on       18 Jul. 2007,       16 Dec. 2010,       6 Dec. 2019,       8 Nov. 2022,       2 Feb. 2023      )",
                    "designation": "na",
                    "nationality": "Afghanistan",
                    "passport_no": "na",
                    "date_of_birth": "1960",
                    "national_id_no": "na",
                    "low_quality_aka": "Dr. Amin, Ul-Haq, Dr. Amin",
                    "good_quality_aka": "Al-Haq, Amin, Amin, Muhammad",
                    "other_information": "Security coordinator for Usama bin Laden (deceased). Repatriated to                     Afghanistan in February 2006. He was in Afghanistan as of August 2021. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822                     (2008)                     was concluded on 15 Jun. 2010. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 4 Dec. 2019. Review                     pursuant to Security Council resolution 2610 (2021) was concluded on 8 November 2022. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special                     Notice web link:       "
                "id": 390,
                "response_data": {
                    "pob": "",
                    "name": "1: MAHMOOD 2: SULTAN 3: BASHIR-UD-DIN 4: na",
                    "type": "individual",
                    "title": "na",
                    "address": "Street 13, Wazir Akbar Khan, Kabul, Afghanistan",
                    "aliases": "Mahmood, Sultan Bashiruddin, Mehmood, Dr. Bashir Uddin, Mekmud, Sultan Baishiruddin, na",
                    "listed_on": "24 Dec. 2001      (                                          amended on       1 May 2019,       8 Nov. 2022      )",
                    "designation": "na",
                    "nationality": "Pakistan",
                    "passport_no": "na",
                    "date_of_birth": "1937",
                    "national_id_no": "na",
                    "low_quality_aka": "na",
                    "good_quality_aka": "Mahmood, Sultan Bashiruddin, Mehmood, Dr. Bashir Uddin, Mekmud, Sultan Baishiruddin",
                    "other_information": "Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded                     on 1 Jun. 2010.  Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2253 (2015) was concluded on 21 Feb. 2019. Review pursuant                     to Security Council resolution 2610 (2021) was concluded on 8 November 2022. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web                     link:       "
                "id": 391,
                "response_data": {
                    "pob": "Iraq",
                    "name": "1: MUTHANNA 2: HARITH 3: AL-DARI 4: na",
                    "type": "individual",
                    "title": "Doctor",
                    "address": "Amman, Jordan, Khan Dari, Iraq (previous), Asas Village, Abu Ghurayb, Iraq (previous), Egypt (previous)",
                    "aliases": "Dr. Muthanna Al Dari, Muthana Harith Al Dari, Muthanna Harith Sulayman Al-Dari, Muthanna Harith Sulayman Al-Dhari, Muthanna Hareth Al-Dhari, Muthana Haris Al-Dhari, Doctor Muthanna Harith Sulayman Al Dari Al-Zawba', Muthanna Harith Sulayman Al-Dari Al-Zobai, Muthanna Harith Sulayman Al-Dari al-Zawba'i, Muthanna Hareth al-Dari, Muthana Haris al-Dari, Doctor Muthanna al-Dari, Dr. Muthanna Harith al-Dari al-Zowbai, na",
                    "listed_on": "25 Mar. 2010      (                                          amended on       10 Dec. 2015,       6 Dec. 2019      )",
                    "designation": "na",
                    "nationality": "Iraq",
                    "passport_no": "na",
                    "date_of_birth": "16 Jun. 1969",
                    "national_id_no": "Ration card number: 1729765",
                    "low_quality_aka": "na",
                    "good_quality_aka": "Dr. Muthanna Al Dari, Muthana Harith Al Dari, Muthanna Harith Sulayman Al-Dari, Muthanna Harith Sulayman Al-Dhari, Muthanna Hareth Al-Dhari, Muthana Haris Al-Dhari, Doctor Muthanna Harith Sulayman Al Dari Al-Zawba', Muthanna Harith Sulayman Al-Dari Al-Zobai, Muthanna Harith Sulayman Al-Dari al-Zawba'i, Muthanna Hareth al-Dari, Muthana Haris al-Dari, Doctor Muthanna al-Dari, Dr. Muthanna Harith al-Dari al-Zowbai",
                    "other_information": "Mother’s name: Heba Khamis Dari. Provided operational guidance financial support and other services to or in support of Islamic                     State in Iraq and the Levant, listed as Al-Qaida in Iraq (AQI) (QDe.115). Involved in oil smuggling. Wanted by the Iraqi security                     forces. Photo available for inclusion in the INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice.  Review pursuant to Security Council                     resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 4 Dec. 2019. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link:       ",
                    "name_originalscript": "مثنى حارث الضاري"
                "id": 392,
                "response_data": {
                    "pob": "",
                    "name": "1: SAID JAN 2: ‘ABD AL-SALAM 3: na 4: na",
                    "type": "individual",
                    "title": "na",
                    "address": "na",
                    "aliases": "Sa'id Jan 'Abd-al-Salam, Dilawar Khan Zain Khan born       1 Jan. 1972, Qazi 'Abdallah, Qazi Abdullah, Ibrahim Walid, Qasi Sa'id Jan, Said Jhan, Farhan Khan, Aziz Cairo, Nangiali",
                    "listed_on": "9 Feb. 2011      (                                          amended on       1 May 2019,       8 Nov. 2022      )",
                    "designation": "na",
                    "nationality": "Afghanistan",
                    "passport_no": "Afghanistan number OR801168, issued on       28 Feb. 2006      (expires 27 Feb. 2011, under name Said Jan 'Abd al-Salam), Pakistan number 4117921, issued on       9 Sep. 2008      (expires 9 Sep. 2013, issued under name Dilawar Khan Zain Khan)",
                    "date_of_birth": "5 Feb. 1981",
                    "national_id_no": "Kuwait Civil                     Identification                     number 281020505755 (issued under name Said Jan 'Abd al-Salam)",
                    "low_quality_aka": "Qazi 'Abdallah, Qazi Abdullah, Ibrahim Walid, Qasi Sa'id Jan, Said Jhan, Farhan Khan, Aziz Cairo, Nangiali",
                    "good_quality_aka": "Sa'id Jan 'Abd-al-Salam, Dilawar Khan Zain Khan born       1 Jan. 1972",
                    "other_information": "In approximately 2005, ran a \"basic training\" camp for Al-Qaida (QDe.004) in Pakistan.  Review pursuant to Security Council                     resolution 2253 (2015) was concluded on 21 Feb. 2019. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2610 (2021) was concluded                     on 8 November 2022. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link:       ",
                    "name_originalscript": "سعید جان عبد السلام"
                "id": 393,
                "response_data": {
                    "pob": "Al-Madinah, Saudi Arabia",
                    "name": "1: MUSTAFA 2: HAJJI 3: MUHAMMAD 4: KHAN",
                    "type": "individual",
                    "title": "na",
                    "address": "na",
                    "aliases": "حسن غول (Hassan Ghul; Hassan Gul; Hasan Gul), Khalid Mahmud, Ahmad Shahji, Mustafa Muhammad, Abu Gharib al-Madani, أبو شيماء (Abu-Shaima; Abu- Shayma)",
                    "listed_on": "14 Mar. 2012      (                                          amended on       15 Nov. 2021      )",
                    "designation": "na",
                    "nationality": "Pakistan, Saudi Arabia",
                    "passport_no": "na",
                    "date_of_birth": "(Between Aug. and Sep. 1977)",
                    "national_id_no": "na",
                    "low_quality_aka": "Ahmad Shahji, Mustafa Muhammad, Abu Gharib al-Madani, أبو شيماء (Abu-Shaima; Abu- Shayma)",
                    "good_quality_aka": "حسن غول (Hassan Ghul; Hassan Gul; Hasan Gul), Khalid Mahmud",
                    "other_information": "Al-Qaida (QDe.004) facilitator, courier and operative. As of 2010,                     facilitated activities for senior Pakistan-based Al-Qaida operatives. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368                     (2017) was concluded on 15 November 2021. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link:       ",
                    "name_originalscript": "مصطفى حجي محمد خان"
                "id": 394,
                "response_data": {
                    "pob": "Akhmeta, Village Birkiani, Georgia",
                    "name": "1: TARKHAN 2: TAYUMURAZOVICH 3: BATIRASHVILI 4: na",
                    "type": "individual",
                    "title": "na",
                    "address": "Syrian Arab Republic (located in as at Dec. 2014)",
                    "aliases": "Tarkhan Tayumurazovich Batyrashvili, Tarkhan Batirashvili, Omar Shishani, Umar Shishani, Abu Umar al-Shishani, Omar al-Shishani, Chechen Omar, Omar the Chechen, Omer the Chechen, Umar the Chechen, Abu Umar, Abu Hudhayfah",
                    "listed_on": "23 Jan. 2015      (                                          amended on       24 Nov. 2020      )",
                    "designation": "na",
                    "nationality": "Georgia",
                    "passport_no": "09AL14455, issued in Georgia (expires on 26 Jun. 2019)",
                    "date_of_birth": "11 Jan. 1986",
                    "national_id_no": "08001007864, issued in Georgia",
                    "low_quality_aka": "Omar Shishani, Umar Shishani, Abu Umar al-Shishani, Omar al-Shishani, Chechen Omar, Omar the Chechen, Omer the Chechen, Umar the Chechen, Abu Umar, Abu Hudhayfah",
                    "good_quality_aka": "Tarkhan Tayumurazovich Batyrashvili, Tarkhan Batirashvili",
                    "other_information": "As of mid-2014, Syria-based senior military commander and shura council                     member of Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, listed as Al-Qaida in Iraq (AQI)                     (QDe.115). Led approximately 1,000 foreign fighters for ISIL and committed a number of                     attacks in northern Syria.                     Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 24 November 2020. INTERPOL-UN Security Council                     Special Notice web link:       "
                "id": 395,
                "response_data": {
                    "pob": "Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland",
                    "name": "1: AQSA 2: MAHMOOD 3: na 4: na",
                    "type": "individual",
                    "title": "na",
                    "address": "Syrian Arab Republic (as at Nov. 2013), United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (previous address)",
                    "aliases": "na, Umm Layth",
                    "listed_on": "28 Sep. 2015      (                                          amended on       24 Nov. 2020      )",
                    "designation": "na",
                    "nationality": "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland",
                    "passport_no": "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland number 720134834, issued on       27 Jun. 2012      (expires on 27 Jun. 2022)",
                    "date_of_birth": "11 May 1994",
                    "national_id_no": "na",
                    "low_quality_aka": "Umm Layth",
                    "good_quality_aka": "na",
                    "other_information": "Recruiter for Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, listed as Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115), in the Syrian Arab Republic, and                     a key figure in the the Al-Khanssaa brigade, a female ISIL brigade established in Al-Raqqa to enforce ISIL’s interpretation                     of Sharia law. Sex: female. Photo available for inclusion in the INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice.                     Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 24 November 2020. INTERPOL-UN Security Council                     Special Notice web link:       "
                "id": 396,
                "response_data": {
                    "pob": "Itum-Kale, Itum-Kalinskiy District, Republic of Chechnya, Russian Federation",
                    "name": "1: TARKHAN 2: ISMAILOVICH 3: GAZIEV 4: na",
                    "type": "individual",
                    "title": "na",
                    "address": "Syrian Arab Republic (located in as at Aug. 2015), Iraq (possible alternative location as at Aug. 2015)",
                    "aliases": "Ramzan Oduev (original script: Рамзан Одуев), Tarkhan Isaevich Gaziev (original script: Тархан Исаевич Газиев), Husan Isaevich Gaziev (original script: Хусан Исаевич Газиев), Umar Sulimov (original script: Умар Сулимов), Wainakh (original script: Вайнах), Sever (original script: Север), Abu Bilal (original script: Абу-Билал), Abu Yasir (original script: Абу Ясир), Abu Asim (original script: Абу Ясим), Husan (original script: Хусан), Ab-Bilal, Abu-Naser",
                    "listed_on": "2 Oct. 2015      (                                          amended on       10 Dec. 2015,       6 Sep. 2016,       15 Nov. 2021      )",
                    "designation": "na",
                    "nationality": "Russian Federation",
                    "passport_no": "na",
                    "date_of_birth": "11 Nov. 1965",
                    "national_id_no": "na",
                    "low_quality_aka": "Wainakh (original script: Вайнах), Sever (original script: Север), Abu Bilal (original script: Абу-Билал), Abu Yasir (original script: Абу Ясир), Abu Asim (original script: Абу Ясим), Husan (original script: Хусан), Ab-Bilal, Abu-Naser",
                    "good_quality_aka": "Ramzan Oduev (original script: Рамзан Одуев), Tarkhan Isaevich Gaziev (original script: Тархан Исаевич Газиев), Husan Isaevich Gaziev (original script: Хусан Исаевич Газиев), Umar Sulimov (original script: Умар Сулимов)",
                    "other_information": "As at Aug. 2015, leads Jamaat Tarkhan, a terrorist group that forms part of the                     Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, listed as Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115). Wanted                     by the authorities of the Russian Federation for terrorist crimes committed in its                     territory, including through an international arrest warrant. Photo available for                     inclusion in the INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was                     concluded on 15 November 2021. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link:       ",
                    "name_originalscript": "Тархан Исмаилович Газиев"
                "id": 397,
                "response_data": {
                    "pob": "Astrakhan, Russian Federation",
                    "name": "1: SHAMIL 2: MAGOMEDOVICH 3: ISMAILOV 4: na",
                    "type": "individual",
                    "title": "na",
                    "address": "Syrian Arab Republic (located in as at Aug. 2015), Iraq (possible alternative location as at Aug. 2015)",
                    "aliases": "Shamil Magomedovich Aliev (original script: Шамиль Магомедович Алиев), Abu Hanifa (original script: Абу Ханифа)",
                    "listed_on": "2 Oct. 2015      (                                          amended on       24 Nov. 2020      )",
                    "designation": "na",
                    "nationality": "Russian Federation",
                    "passport_no": "Russian foreign travel passport number 514448632, issued on       8 Sep. 2010      , issued in Alexandria, Egypt (issued by Consulate General of the Russian Federation)",
                    "date_of_birth": "29 Oct. 1980",
                    "national_id_no": "Russian Federation national passport 1200075689, issued on       15 Dec. 2000      (issued by Russian Federation)",
                    "low_quality_aka": "Abu Hanifa (original script: Абу Ханифа)",
                    "good_quality_aka": "Shamil Magomedovich Aliev (original script: Шамиль Магомедович Алиев)",
                    "other_information": "As at Aug. 2015, leader of Jamaat Abu Hanifa, a terrorist group that is part of the Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the                     Levant (QDe.137). Physical description: eye colour: brown, hair colour: black, build: slim, height 175-180 cm. Distinguishing                     marks: long face, speech defect. Wanted by the authorities of the Russian Federation for terrorist crimes committed in its                     territory. Photo available for inclusion in the INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice.                     Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) was concluded on 24 November 2020. INTERPOL-UN Security Council                     Special Notice web link:       ",
                    "name_originalscript": "Шамиль Магомедович Измайлов"
                "id": 398,
                "response_data": {
                    "pob": "Ordzhonikidzevskaya village, Sunzhenskiy district, Ingushetia, Russian Federation",
                    "name": "1: Malik 2: Ruslanovich 3: Barkhanoev 4: na",
                    "type": "individual",
                    "title": "na",
                    "address": "Mosul, Iraq",
                    "aliases": "na, Saifuddin, Saifuddin al-Ingushi, Saifuddin Ingushi",
                    "listed_on": "20 Jul. 2017      (                                          amended on       8 Nov. 2022      )",
                    "designation": "na",
                    "nationality": "Russian Federation",
                    "passport_no": "na",
                    "date_of_birth": "14 Mar. 1992",
                    "national_id_no": "na",
                    "low_quality_aka": "Saifuddin, Saifuddin al-Ingushi, Saifuddin Ingushi",
                    "good_quality_aka": "na",
                    "other_information": "Joined the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), listed as Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115) in September 2016. Review pursuant                     to Security Council resolution 2610 (2021) was concluded on 8 November 2022.  INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice                     web link:       "
                "id": 399,
                "response_data": {
                    "pob": "Tall’Afar, Iraq",
                    "name": "1: Amir 2: Muhammad Sa’id 3: Abdal-Rahman 4: al-Salbi",
                    "type": "individual",
                    "title": "na",
                    "address": "House 110, Street 704, District 704, Tall ‘Afar, Iraq (previous address), near Shahid Mazen Mosque and al-Khansa Hospital, Mosul, Iraq (previous address), Idlib, Syrian Arab Republic",
                    "aliases": "Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi                     al-Qurashi, Hajji Abdallah, Abu ‘Umar                     al-Turkmani, Abdullah                     Qardash, Abu ‘Abdullah                     Qardash, al-Hajj Abdullah                     Qardash, Hajji Abdullah                     Al-Afari, `Abdul Amir Muhammad                     Sa'id Salbi, Muhammad Sa'id                     `Abd-al-Rahman al-Mawla, Amir Muhammad Sa’id                     ‘Abd-al-Rahman Muhammad al-Mula, Amir Muhammad Sa’id                     Abdal-Rahman al-Mawla (previously listed as), Al-Ustadh, Ustadh Ahmad",
                    "listed_on": "21 May 2020      (                                          amended on       27 May 2022      )",
                    "designation": "na",
                    "nationality": "Iraq",
                    "passport_no": "na",
                    "date_of_birth": "5 Oct. 1976",
                    "national_id_no": "na",
                    "low_quality_aka": "Al-Ustadh, Ustadh Ahmad",
                    "good_quality_aka": "Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi                     al-Qurashi, Hajji Abdallah, Abu ‘Umar                     al-Turkmani, Abdullah                     Qardash, Abu ‘Abdullah                     Qardash, al-Hajj Abdullah                     Qardash, Hajji Abdullah                     Al-Afari, `Abdul Amir Muhammad                     Sa'id Salbi, Muhammad Sa'id                     `Abd-al-Rahman al-Mawla, Amir Muhammad Sa’id                     ‘Abd-al-Rahman Muhammad al-Mula, Amir Muhammad Sa’id                     Abdal-Rahman al-Mawla (previously listed as)",
                    "other_information": "Leader of Islamic State in Iraq and the                     Levant, listed as Al-Qaida in Iraq (QDe.115).                     Mother’s name: Samira Shareef (سميرة شريف) or                     Sahra Sharif Abd al-Qader (سهرة شريف عبد القادر).                     Height 170 cm, right leg amputated. Photo                     available for inclusion in the INTERPOL-UN                     Security Council Special Notice. Arrest warrant                     issued by Iraq 2018. Reportedly deceased as of 3                     February 2022.  INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link:       ",
                    "name_originalscript": "أمیر محمد سعید عبد                     الرحمن السلبي"
                "id": 400,
                "response_data": {
                    "pob": "Band-e-Timur village, Maiwand District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan",
                    "name": "1: AKHTAR 2: MOHAMMAD 3: MANSOUR 4: SHAH MOHAMMED",
                    "type": "individual",
                    "title": "Maulavi, Mullah",
                    "address": "na",
                    "aliases": "Akhtar Mohammad Mansour Khan Muhammad, Akhtar Muhammad Mansoor, Akhtar Mohammad Mansoor, Naib Imam",
                    "listed_on": "25 Jan. 2001      (                                          amended on       3 Sep. 2003,       18 Jul. 2007,       21 Sep. 2007,       1 Feb. 2008,       29 Nov. 2011,       23 Dec. 2016      )",
                    "designation": "Minister of Civil Aviation and Transportation under the Taliban                     regime",
                    "nationality": "Afghanistan",
                    "passport_no": "Afghanistan number SE-011697, issued on       25 Jan. 1988      , issued in Kabul, Afghanistan (expired on 23 Feb. 2000)",
                    "date_of_birth": "Approximately 1960",
                    "national_id_no": "na",
                    "low_quality_aka": "Naib Imam",
                    "good_quality_aka": "Akhtar Mohammad Mansour Khan Muhammad, Akhtar Muhammad Mansoor, Akhtar Mohammad Mansoor",
                    "other_information": "Involved in drug trafficking as of 2011, primarily through Gerd-e-Jangal,                     Afghanistan. Active in the provinces of Khost, Paktia and Paktika, Afghanistan as of May                     2007. Taliban \"Governor\" of Kandahar as of May 2007. Deputy to Mullah Abdul Ghani                     Baradar (TAi.024) in the Taliban Supreme Council as of 2009. Taliban official                     responsible for four southern provinces of Afghanistan. Following the arrest of Mullah                     Baradar in February 2010 he was temporarily-in-charge of the Taliban Supreme Council.                     Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Ishaqzai tribe. Review                     pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jul.                     2010. Reportedly killed in May 2016. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link:       ",
                    "name_originalscript": "اختر محمد منصور شاه محمد"
                "id": 401,
                "response_data": {
                    "pob": "Zurmat District, Paktia Province, Afghanistan",
                    "name": "1: AMIR KHAN 2: MOTAQI 3: na 4: na",
                    "type": "individual",
                    "title": "Mullah",
                    "address": "na",
                    "aliases": "Amir Khan Muttaqi, na",
                    "listed_on": "25 Jan. 2001      (                                          amended on       3 Sep. 2003,       21 Sep. 2007,       29 Nov. 2011      )",
                    "designation": "Minister of Education under the Taliban regime, Taliban representative in UN-led talks under the Taliban                     regime",
                    "nationality": "Afghanistan",
                    "passport_no": "na",
                    "date_of_birth": "Approximately 1968",
                    "national_id_no": "na",
                    "low_quality_aka": "na",
                    "good_quality_aka": "Amir Khan Muttaqi",
                    "other_information": "Member of the Taliban Supreme Council as at June 2007. Believed to be in                     Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Sulaimankhel tribe. Review pursuant to                     Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jul. 2010. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link:       ",
                    "name_originalscript": "امیر خان متقی"
                "id": 402,
                "response_data": {
                    "pob": "Shinkalai village, Nad-e-Ali District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan",
                    "name": "1: ABDULHAI 2: MOTMAEN 3: na 4: na",
                    "type": "individual",
                    "title": "Maulavi",
                    "address": "na",
                    "aliases": "Abdul Haq son of M. Anwar Khan (عبد الحق ولد محمد انور                     خان) (Afghan passport number OA462456, issued on 31 Jan. 2012 (11-11-1390) by                     the Afghan Consulate General in Peshawar, Pakistan), na",
                    "listed_on": "23 Feb. 2001      (                                          amended on       3 Sep. 2003,       21 Sep. 2007,       29 Nov. 2011,       31 Dec. 2013,       16 May 2014      )",
                    "designation": "Director of the Information and Culture Department in Kandahar                     Province under the Taliban regime, Spokesperson of the Taliban regime",
                    "nationality": "Afghanistan",
                    "passport_no": "Afghanistan number OA462456, issued on       31 Jan. 2012      (issued under the name of Abdul Haq)",
                    "date_of_birth": "Approximately 1973",
                    "national_id_no": "na",
                    "low_quality_aka": "na",
                    "good_quality_aka": "Abdul Haq son of M. Anwar Khan (عبد الحق ولد محمد انور                     خان) (Afghan passport number OA462456, issued on 31 Jan. 2012 (11-11-1390) by                     the Afghan Consulate General in Peshawar, Pakistan)",
                    "other_information": "Family is originally from Zabul, but settled later in Helmand. Member of                     the Taliban Supreme Council and spokesperson for Mullah Mohammed Omar (TAi.004) as of                     2007. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Kharoti tribe.                     Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 23 Jul.                     2010. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link:       ",
                    "name_originalscript": "عبدالحی مطمئن"
                "id": 403,
                "response_data": {
                    "pob": "Alingar District, Laghman Province, Afghanistan",
                    "name": "1: EZATULLAH 2: HAQQANI 3: KHAN SAYYID 4: na",
                    "type": "individual",
                    "title": "Maulavi",
                    "address": "na",
                    "aliases": "Ezatullah Haqqani (previously listed as), na",
                    "listed_on": "23 Feb. 2001      (                                          amended on       3 Sep. 2003,       18 Jul. 2007,       21 Sep. 2007,       27 Sep. 2007,       29 Nov. 2011,       18 May 2012      )",
                    "designation": "Deputy Minister of Planning under the Taliban regime",
                    "nationality": "Afghanistan",
                    "passport_no": "na",
                    "date_of_birth": "Approximately 1957",
                    "national_id_no": "na",
                    "low_quality_aka": "na",
                    "good_quality_aka": "Ezatullah Haqqani (previously listed as)",
                    "other_information": "Member of the Taliban Peshawar Shura as of 2008. Believed to be in                     Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822                     (2008) was concluded on 1 Jun. 2010. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link:       ",
                    "name_originalscript": "عزت الله حقاني خان سيد"
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            "id": 390,
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                "pob": "",
                "name": "1: MAHMOOD 2: SULTAN 3: BASHIR-UD-DIN 4: na",
                "type": "individual",
                "title": "na",
                "address": "Street 13, Wazir Akbar Khan, Kabul, Afghanistan",
                "aliases": "Mahmood, Sultan Bashiruddin, Mehmood, Dr. Bashir Uddin, Mekmud, Sultan Baishiruddin, na",
                "listed_on": "24 Dec. 2001      (                                          amended on       1 May 2019,       8 Nov. 2022      )",
                "designation": "na",
                "nationality": "Pakistan",
                "passport_no": "na",
                "date_of_birth": "1937",
                "national_id_no": "na",
                "low_quality_aka": "na",
                "good_quality_aka": "Mahmood, Sultan Bashiruddin, Mehmood, Dr. Bashir Uddin, Mekmud, Sultan Baishiruddin",
                "other_information": "Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded                     on 1 Jun. 2010.  Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 2253 (2015) was concluded on 21 Feb. 2019. Review pursuant                     to Security Council resolution 2610 (2021) was concluded on 8 November 2022. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web                     link:       "
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            "name": "kain",
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            "updated_at": "2023-09-19T05:19:38.415018Z",
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            "name": "kain",
            "status": "Pending",
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            "updated_at": "2023-09-19T05:19:39.390355Z",
            "is_cleared": false
    "success": true
    "detail": "Invalid token header. No credentials provided."
    "detail": "Invalid token."
    "detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided."
    "errors": [
            "code": "permission_message",
            "message": "Do not have permission to access this feature"
    "data": {},
    "success": false
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!