
Get Setup

Using the credentials provided to you, you can access the Compliancely user interface here:

Get Access Token

The Compliancely API uses a Token-based authorization so instead of an App Key and Session ID, you will just need a Token. You can get the Token in the response

For all the other calls, the Token should be sent as a header with the name “Authorization”.

API Description: Get an access token

Endpoint: /auth-token

Method: POST

curl --location -g --request POST '{{url}}/auth-token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{

Postman Sample:

Other Sample Responses for Token

Status CodeResponse

"username": [

"This field may not be blank."



"password": [

"This field may not be blank."



"non_field_errors": [

"Unable to log in with provided credentials."



"username": [

"This field is required."



"password": [

"This field is required."


200{"token": }
500Server Error