How API Works
The provided API allows you to search for business information based on a search criterion. It involves multiple API calls to retrieve the results. Here's a step-by-step description of how the API works:
If the request fails due to authentication credentials or insufficient credits or any other error, appropriate error responses will be provided.
You also need to include the appropriate headers in the request, such as the Content-Type and Authorization (using the provided auth-token).
- Initial POST Request:
You need to send a POST request to the endpoint with the necessary payload.
Example: Send a POST request to the endpoint /api/v1/kyb/canada/business
If the request is successful, you will receive a status code 200 response with a JSON object containing the ID and initial details of the request.
- Check Request Status:
To get the status of the request, you need to send a GET request to the GET BY ID endpoint with the ID of the request appended as a query parameter.
Example: Send a GET request to the endpoint /api/v1/kyb/canada/business/ ?id={id}
You will need to poll this API until the status of the request changes to "Completed" or "Error". The request may go through different statuses like "Pending" and "Processing" before reaching the final state.
The response will include the status of the request, the created timestamp, and an array of results containing possible matches for the searched entity.
The results are paginated, and you can navigate through different pages using the page
query parameters. Other pagination filters available are order, offset, limit
- Get detailed business information:
When the request status is "Completed," you can retrieve detailed information about a specific entity from the previous API call using the "GET BY ID" endpoint. This endpoint allows you to retrieve complete information about an entity by specifying its unique identifier.
Send a GET request to the GET BY RID endpoint with the ID of the specific business (referred to as "rid") appended as a query parameter.
Example: Send a GET request to the endpoint /api/v1/kyb/canada/business/?rid={rid}
The response will include detailed information about the specified entity
- Retrieve All Submitted Records:
You can also retrieve all the submitted records using a GET request to the endpoint.
Example: Send a GET request to the endpoint/api/v1/kyb/canada/business/
to see all the checks that have been made to Canada Business Search
The response will contain an array of submitted records, including their IDs, entity names, search flag, status, creation timestamp, and created-by details.
The results are paginated, and you can navigate through different pages using the page
& order query parameters.
In summary, the API provides the following functionalities:
Searching for business information
Tracking the status of requests.
Retrieving detailed information about specific business out of multiple results.
Retrieving all submitted records.
Updated over 1 year ago